Webcomic Wednesday – 8/3/22

Hey, it’s Webcomic Wednesday again and there are three fun Webcomic Kickstarters I thought I’d share!

Anatomy of Dinosaurs

First up we have a humorous collection of dinosaur comics by Dave Kellett. The great expressions on these guys will make it 100% worth your look, never-mind the rich trove of dino facts you’ll be able to impress your friends with! (Okay. Friend. It’s me. You’ll impress me.)

Mittens: Space Pilot #1

Next is an all ages space romp with funny animals and a noir twist. Visually inspired by Star Wars and Star Fox be sure to give this one a look if you also like the star things.

Sacrimony #1: Love, Life and Death (Limited Edition)

And finally we have Matta Sorcier doing a quick reprint of the popular Sacrimony #1! Looking for some fantasy with great character building that’s not set in the typical European medieval setting? This is the book for you.

Full Disclosure: I’ve backed all these projects myself. And so should you! Supporting indie creators gets more great stories and projects into the world.


Tait is an artist from northern California who spent a lot of time wandering the forests of Humboldt County growing up. He has a BA in Art from Cal Poly Humboldt. In addition to running ITS Comics, he also creates a fantasy adventure comic called Pacifica.
