Listed below are various comic listing sites that can be searched for new reading material.
Art Of Webcomics
Archive Binge [Recommended]
The Belfry WebComics Index
Comic Rocket
The Duck Webcomics
Global Comix
Hiveworks [Recommended]
Independent Comic Database
Ink, Sweat, and Tears
SpiderForest [Recommended]
WebcomicsFeed [Recommended]
Top Web Comics
WebComics Hub
The Webcomic List
Webcomic Wiki
These are lists I personally curate.
Comic Artists on Twitter
Discover Comics on Mix
Below are individual comics that we’ve chosen to highlight.

Syndicated Comics
Our focus on Discover Comics is mostly independent creators posting to the web, but if you’re looking for syndicated comics (Garfield, Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, etc.) we can help you there too.
Public Domain Comics
Comic Book Plus
Digital Comic Museum
Best of/Recommendations Lists
51 Awesome Webcomics The Eisners Have Completely Failed To Recognize
A list complied by Gizmodo.
Staff recommendations for Webcomics from Hennepin County Library – What it says on the tin.
Random Comic Links
Random Webcomic!
Hit the button on this site and it will take you to a random comic. If you want to check out all the links available (perhaps to see if your comic is on it) you can right-click and “View Page Source” or your browser’s equivalent. If you’d like a comic to be added you can leave a link in the comments and the administrator will add it.
Know of any sites that should be listed here, but aren’t? Send me a message on Twitter and let me know!